



Open Access Article

International Research in Chinese Medicine. 2024; 4: (4) ; 47-49 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ircm.20240063.

Analysis of a case of Kashin-Beck disease treated with Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction

作者: 杨连祥 *

隆化县医院 河北承德

*通讯作者: 杨连祥,单位:隆化县医院 河北承德;

发布时间: 2024-12-29 总浏览量: 284



关键词: 大骨节病;桂枝芍药知母汤;案例分析;效果


Kashin-Beck disease is a rare, chronic, progressive skeletal disease with typical symptoms including short stature, short toe joint deformities, and abnormal gait. In severe cases, it can lead to joint stiffness, dysfunction, and even disability. Due to the complex pathogenesis, no specific treatment has been found in the world [1]. The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine has a unique understanding and experience in the treatment of Kashin-Beck disease. Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription that originated from the "Golden Chamber" by the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing. Its core efficacy is to warm the yang and dispel cold, and to dispel wind and dampness. The prescription is mainly composed of warm and hot drugs, aiming to dispel cold and dampness in the body, while harmonizing the nutrient and defensive qi and blood, so as to relieve joint pain and improve joint function [3]. This article will explore the effect of this treatment method through an actual case analysis of a typical Kashin-Beck disease patient using Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction. The report is as follows.

Key words: Kashin-Beck disease; Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction; Case analysis; Effect

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杨连祥, 桂枝芍药知母汤治疗大骨节病一例分析[J]. 国际中医药研究, 2024; 4: (4) : 47-49.