



Open Access Article

International Research in Chinese Medicine. 2023; 3: (4) ; 9-12 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ircm.20230029.

Analysis of the application of paediatric massage in the care of children with diarrhoea

作者: 郑洁 *

云南省中医医院推拿科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 郑洁,单位:云南省中医医院推拿科 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2023-09-25 总浏览量: 669


目的 分析小儿推拿在儿童腹泻护理中的临床效果和使用价值。方法 选取我科收治的儿童腹泻患者64例,将其按照随机分组法分为对照组(32例,使用常规护理)和观察组(32例,使用小儿推拿护理)。对两组的护理效果进行分析。结果 两组患者在接受护理后均取得一定效果,但观察组在采用小儿推拿护理后,不同护理时间段腹泻次数、大便性状评分、护理满意度均优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对儿童腹泻患者采用小儿推拿护理能取得较佳的效果,可降低其腹泻次数,改善大便性状,提升护理满意度。

关键词: 儿童腹泻;小儿推拿;应用效果


Objective To analyze the clinical effect and value of paediatric massage in the care of children's diarrhea.
Methods 64 cases of children with diarrhoea admitted to our department were selected and divided into the control group (32 cases, using conventional care) and the observation group (32 cases, using paediatric massage care) according to the random grouping method. The nursing effects of the two groups were analysed.
Results Both groups of patients achieved certain results after receiving nursing care, but the observation group, after using paediatric massage care, the number of diarrhoea in different nursing time periods, the score of stool properties, and nursing satisfaction were better than that of the control group, and the differences were all statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   The use of paediatric massage care for children with diarrhoea can achieve better results, reduce the number of diarrhoea, improve stool characteristics, and enhance nursing satisfaction.

Key words: Children's diarrhoea; Paediatric massage; Application effect

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郑洁, 小儿推拿在儿童腹泻护理中的应用分析[J]. 国际中医药研究, 2023; 3: (4) : 9-12.