



Open Access Article

International Research in Chinese Medicine. 2022; 2: (4) ; 40-43 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ircm.20220084.

To study the value of flavored jujube kernel soup in patients with liver blood deficiency

作者: 杨珊 *, 主父晨星

东部战区总医院 第二派驻门诊部 江苏南京

南京市中心医院 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 杨珊,单位:东部战区总医院 第二派驻门诊部 江苏南京;

发布时间: 2022-12-27 总浏览量: 469


目的 研究在肝血亏虚证失眠患者中采用加味酸枣仁汤治疗的临床价值。方法 此次研究对象选取为2020年9月-2022年9月期间来我医院接受治疗的40例肝血亏虚证失眠患者,将纳入的病例采取随机分组对照方式进行治疗研究,通过随机数字表法分成观察组与对照组,每组中各有20例患者,对照组患者采取常规西药治疗,观察组患者在对照组用药基础上添加中药加味酸枣仁汤,将两种不同治疗方案最终取得的临床效果进行对比。结果 治疗后两组各项指标结果比较显示,观察组患者的临床症状改善所用时间短于对照组,患者睡眠质量评分显示改善效果优于对照组,治疗期间患者用药不良反应发生率低于对照组,最终患者获得的治疗总有效率和生活质量改善效果优于对照组,两组数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对肝血亏虚证失眠患者治疗中添加中药加味酸枣仁汤,可有效提高临床治疗效果,短时间内改善患者临床症状,提高患者的睡眠质量,减轻失眠对患者健康及生活造成影响。

关键词: 肝血亏虚;失眠;加味酸枣仁汤;价值研究


Objective: To study the clinical value of jujube treatment in patients with liver deficiency. Method: the study object selected during September 2020-September 2022 to my hospital treatment of 40 patients with liver blood deficiency syndrome insomnia, will include the cases by randomized control treatment study, by random number table method into observation group and control group, each group of 20 patients, control group patients take conventional western medicine treatment, observation group patients add Chinese medicine and flavor jujube soup, on the basis of two different treatment finally achieved clinical effect.
Results: after the two groups of indicators compare the results, the clinical symptoms of observation group improvement time is shorter than the control group, the patient sleep quality score showed the improvement effect, the incidence of adverse reactions during the treatment is lower than the control group, the final patients get total efficiency and quality of life improvement effect is better than the control group, the two groups data statistically significant difference (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : Adding traditional Chinese medicine to the treatment of insomnia patients with liver and blood deficiency can effectively improve the clinical treatment effect, improve their sleep quality, and reduce the impact of insomnia on their health and life.

Key words: Liver blood deficiency; insomnia; add sour jujube kernel soup; value research

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杨珊, 主父晨星, 研究加味酸枣仁汤治疗肝血亏虚证失眠患者的价值[J]. 国际中医药研究, 2022; 2: (4) : 40-43.