



Open Access Article

International Research in Chinese Medicine. 2022; 2: (3) ; 62-65 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ircm.20220063.

Research Status of Prescription Granules of tonifying traditional Chinese medicine

作者: 黄新宇, 季巧遇 *

江西中医药大学药学院 江西南昌

江西中医药大学药学院 江西南昌;江中药业股份有限公司 江西南昌

*通讯作者: 季巧遇,单位:江西中医药大学药学院 江西南昌;江中药业股份有限公司 江西南昌;

发布时间: 2022-10-19 总浏览量: 278


目的 了解补虚类中药配方颗粒在国内各医院中的适用现状,并分析补虚类中药配方颗粒现存的问题及解决方案。方法 检索知网2015年1月—2022年7月发表的各医院补虚类中药配方颗粒的相关文献,相关文章中的作者信息和发表年限以及补虚类中药配方颗粒在医院中的使用情况、在总体的配方颗粒销售量中的占比情况、中药配方颗粒的使用排名、存在的问题等信息,归纳总结出近6年发表的补虚类中药配方颗粒相关文献的现状,探讨目前补虚类中药配方颗粒发展中出现的问题。结果 总计检索得到文献23篇,实际应用21篇分析结果表明:6年内关于补虚类中药配方颗粒的临床使用情况的相关文献报道较少,但现有文献中记载的内容可看出除特殊类医院外绝大多数医院补虚类为中药配方颗粒销量的第一名,为医院采购提出了一定的参考价值。结论 中药配方颗粒存在问题(不同产地存在质量差异、有效成分含量),应加大相应研究,提高质量。

关键词: 补虚类;中药配方颗粒;质量差异;有效成分含量


Objective To understand the application status of tonifying traditional Chinese medicine granules in various hospitals in China, and to analyze the existing problems and solutions of tonifying traditional Chinese medicine granules.
Methods Relevant literatures of Chinese medicine formula granules for supplementing deficiency in various hospitals published by CNKI from January 2015 to July 2022 were retrieved, the author information and publication years in relevant articles, as well as the use of Chinese medicine formula granules for supplementing deficiency in hospitals, The proportion of the total sales volume of formula granules, the ranking of the use of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules, existing problems and other information, summarizes the current situation of the literature related to tonic Chinese medicine formula granules published in the past 6 years, and discusses the current tonic formula granules. Problems in the development of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules.
Results A total of 23 literatures were retrieved, and 20 were actually applied. The analysis results showed that there were few relevant literature reports on the clinical use of tonifying traditional Chinese medicine granules within 6 years. The vast majority of hospitals outside the hospital are the first in the sales of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules, which provides a certain reference value for hospital procurement.
Conclusion   There are problems in traditional Chinese medicine formula granules (quality differences and active ingredient content in different origins), and corresponding research should be increased to improve the quality.

Key words: tonic; traditional Chinese medicine formula granules; quality difference; active ingredient content

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