



Open Access Article

International Research in Chinese Medicine. 2022; 2: (3) ; 1-6 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ircm.20220053.

Probe into the meaning of Mawangdui 11 main and collateral channels: changesfrom Heaven five earth six to Heaven six earth five

作者: 葛晓舒 *, 魏一苇, 尹勇, 匡郑明, 何清湖

湖南中医药大学 湖南长沙

*通讯作者: 葛晓舒,单位:湖南中医药大学 湖南长沙;

发布时间: 2022-10-08 总浏览量: 363



关键词: 马王堆;十一脉;天五地六;天六地五


The formation of Mawangdui 11 main and collateral channels,which was one of the multiplex meridian doctrine theory before Qin dynasty, was effected by the influence of mathematics visual thinking .There is little research on this point in the academic circle, most theories connected number five and six with heaven and earth. This article focuses on two Mawangdui books: In the book Foot and Arm 11 Main and Collateral Channels ,the number 11 originated from heaven five earth six——mathematics visual thinking of trunk and branch. In the book Yin Yang 11 Main and Collateral Channels, the number 11 was the result of interactive of Heaven six earth five. Changes from heaven five earth six to heaven six earth five could also be seen in the book Inner Cannon of Huangdi. Mawangdui 11 main and collateral channels were different with other similar contemporary data, and had obvious character of regional medicine.

Key words: Mawangdui ;11 main and collateral channels; heaven five earth six; heaven six earth five

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葛晓舒, 魏一苇, 尹勇, 匡郑明, 何清湖, 马王堆“十一脉”发微:从“天五地六”到“天六地五”的嬗变[J]. 国际中医药研究, 2022; 2: (3) : 1-6.